SHORT COURSE: On Flexible Bayesian Methods for Diagnosis and ROC Curve Estimation


  • Profª Vanda Inacio e Prof. Miguel de Carvalho – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • FCUL (DEIO) – Campo Grande – Bloco C6 Piso 4 – Sala 6.4.30 – (dia 4 Junho 2014) 14:30h -18:00h, Sala 6.4.30 (dia 5 Junho 2014) 9:30h -18:00h e Sala 6.4.31 (6 Junho 2014) 9:30h -18:00h
  • Quarta-feira, 4 de Junho de 2014 a Sexta-feira, 6 de Junho de 2014
  • Referência Projeto: Pest-OE/MAT/UI0006/2014 / PTDC/MAT/118335/2010
 Course Aims:

The course is intended for professionals interested in the statistical modeling of diagnostic testing data, including applied statisticians, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, medical doctors, and veterinaries. The emphasis is put on modern flexible Bayesian models and the main purpose of this course is to present how Bayesian nonparametric methods can be used in a diversity of diagnostic data setups. Examples of medical and veterinary interest are used throughout to illustrate the scope and flexibility of the modeling approaches.

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