9 and 10 September 2024 | 9h00 – 17h00
11 September 2024 | 9h00 – 12h30
Duration: 16h
Ciências ULisboa, C6, DEIO, SASLab (sala 6.4.29)
Saghir Bashir, Ilustat
Saghir Bashir is a statistical consultant at Ilustat and a member of Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL). Saghir has a PhD in Biostatistics and Epidemiology from the University of Cambridge and has been involved in numerous real-life data science projects across both the public and private sectors in various international settings.
The course will give you an overview of statistical thinking as applied to clinical research and medicinal sciences. Using the CONSORT Statement, the participants will be encouraged to interact and discuss about what makes a clinical trial (or an experiment) good in the statistical sense. The focus will be on asking questions and getting answers to understand the “statistical thinking” that goes into trials and experiments.
The workshop aims to cover (notionally):
1. Summary statistics, including measure of location, spread and correlation.
2. Good practice for study design and sample selection.
3. Understanding data “uncertainty/variability”, i.e., confidence intervals and hypothesis testing and p-values.
4. Sample size and power calculation.
5. Statistical thinking in real-world scenarios and structured critical thinking.
20€ – Members of CEAUL (its collaborators and students included) and members of FCiências.ID research units
30€ – Other PhD, MSc and BSc students and Ulisboa membres
50€ – Anyone else
Participants will be accepted in order of registration and priority will be given to doctoral students.
Registration limited to 20 participants.
Participants must bring their laptops.
Registration here.
Registration deadline: 5 September 2024.
Bank Transfer:
Account name: FCIÊNCIAS.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências
Account Number: 3-5473601.000.001
IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 5473 6010 0013 9
Bank Name: Banco BPI, S.A
Bank Address: BPI, DEISI – Centro Institucional Lisboa, Rua Tomás da Fonseca, Torres de Lisboa, Torre H, 2º piso, 1600-209 Lisboa, Portugal
Reference: Course US, Participant name.
– Write in the bank transfer description the course name (Couse US), and the name of the participant;
– The proof of payment must be sent to the email: registration@fciencias-id.pt
– All payments must be in euros;
– The registration fee must be paid in full.
– The sender must pay all bank transfer costs and the registration fee;
– For members of FCiências.ID research units, the registration fee payment slip will be issued exclusively in the name of the participant.
CEAUL – Ciências ULisboa
Bloco C6 – Piso 4, Campo Grande
1749-016 Lisboa – PORTUGAL
Course organized with the support of DEIO.