Workshop: Using R in Real Life


11 and 12 February 2025  |  9h00 – 17h00
13 February 2025 | 9h00 – 12h30

Duration: 16h

Registrations here.


Ciências ULisboa, C6, DEIO, Floor 4, SASLab (room 6.4.29)


Saghir Bashir, ilustat

Saghir Bashir a statistical consultant at ilustat and a member of Centro de Estatística e Aplicações de Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL). Saghir has a PhD in Biostatistics and Epidemiology and has been involved in numerous real-life data science projects across both the public and private sectors in various international settings.


R ( is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics which is widely used in both public and private organisations. Participants will be introduced to using R in real life situations. From the start, this hands-on practical workshop will focus on following good programming and data analysis practices. The workshop will be given in English.

The workshop will cover:
    + Introduction to R.
    + Processing datasets with data.table.
    + Merging and reshaping datasets using data.table.
    + Creating HTML and PDF Documents using quarto.
    + Data Visualisation using ggplot2.


20€ – Members of CEAUL (its collaborators and students included) and members of FCiências.ID research units
30€ – Other ULisboa PhD, MSc and BSc students and Ulisboa membres
50€ – Everyone else

Participants will be accepted in order of registration and priority will be given to doctoral students.

Registration is limited to 20 participants.
Participants must bring their laptops.

A  minimum of 10 participants is required for the workshop to take place.

Registrations here.

Registration deadline: 7 February 2025 .


CEAUL – Ciências ULisboa
Bloco C6 – Piso 4, Campo Grande
1749-016 Lisboa – PORTUGAL

Course organized with the support of DEIO.