7th International Conference on Risk Analysis (ICRA7) – Honour of Professor M. Ivete Gomes


  • Illinois University – Chicago, USA
  • Quarta-feira, 3 de Maio de 2017 a Sexta-feira, 5 de Maio de 2017


The organizers of the 7th International Conference on Risk Analysis (ICRA7) have the great pleasure of inviting you to participate in this meeting. This meeting will take place in the next days 3,4 and 5 May, 2017 in Chicago, USA.

The format of this meeting will involve plenary talks, organized sessions, sessions with contributed talks and posters.

ICRA7, in honour of Professor M. Ivete Gomes, will bring together researchers and practitioners who work on Risk Analysis in Cancer Research, Medicine, Health Sciences, Economics, Management, Industry, and Biostatistics. The Conference is a forum for presenting new theoretical and computational models and methods in these and other related topics.

The conference is hosted by the International Statistical Institute and the Northeastern Illinois University in collaboration with ChicagoCHEC, ISI Committee of Risk Analysis and CEAUL.


More information:




Teresa A. Oliveira, CEAUL and Universidade Aberta, Portugal,

Chair of ISI-CRA Christos Kitsos, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece

Christina Ciecierski, Northeastern Illinois University, ChicagoCHEC, USA,

Local Chair Lidia Filus, Northeastern Illinois University, ChicagoCHEC, USA, Local Chair