Trustworthiness: Data and Statistics

Saghir Bashir 

ilustat & Centre of Statistics and its Applications (CEAUL),
Local: 2.2.21

14 dezembro 2022 (4.ª feira) – 17h:00m


Is your scientific work trustworthy? What do you have to do to make it trustworthy? Scientific work is routinely scrutinised by peers but also by the media, citizen scientists, lawyers, policy makers and so on. This rightly places the burden on scientists to defend the integrity, quality and reliability of their work, i.e., its trustworthiness. I will use the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic (March 2020) as an example to discuss
trustworthiness in relation to the data and statistics available at the time. Science was just one part of the picture that governments and policymakers used to assess risks in order to make difficult decisions. I will encourage discussion on the trustworthiness of the scientific information and evidence that was available.

Short bio: Saghir Bashir is a consultant statistician at ilustat, a data science consultancy and training company. He is affiliated to the Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL).
After earning a PhD in “Biostatistics and Epidemiology” from Cambridge University (UK), he has worked on various real life statistical and data science projects in both the public and private sectors.

A joint CEAUL / CE3C / MARE seminar

These  joint CCM seminars are an initiative promoted by the 3 research centers associated with the Ecological Modelling course in DBA. We hope to promote interdisciplinary research within FCUL at the interface of our joint interests