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Grupo internacional de trabalho de estimativa médico-legal da idade: Metodologias e Investigação
International Working group of Medico-Legal age estimation: Methodologies and Researches
The knowledge and the proof of age are indispensable and invaluable for all human beings. Age estimation of unknown human cadavers is important in the setting of a crime investigation or in mass disaster because it can guide forensic investigators to the correct identity among a large number of possible matches. Increasingly the courts ask for medico-legal age estimations of unknown human cadavers by forensic odontology. Especially, when the age estimation is an inter-state request based on the international law. Moreover, there has been an increase in age estimations requested for unaccompanied migrant minors in EU. For equal treatment of all forensic cases the applied age estimation method needs a uniform and totally reproducible approach on national and international level. Presently this is not the situation due to differences in chosen protocols associated with a lack of international consensus. This is a gap for the 16th Sustainable Development Goals of ONU to be achieve for 2030 according to Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. The main objective of the working group is the identification and characterization of novel methodologies in medico-legal age estimation research that will result in the development of innovative forensic strategies for the medico-legal human identification, focusing on forensic odontology science in dental research. The others purposes are: Assessment, harmonization and validation of available methodologies in medico-legal age estimation research; Creation and dissemination of standardized state of the art models and techniques for age estimation in practical forensic cases; Establish guidelines for international quality assurance in age estimation.
Grupo internacional de trabalho de Clínica Forense: Metodologias e Investigação
International Working group of Forensic Clinic: Methodologies and Researches
With a variety of research interests and expertise, our research group are “scientist-practitioners” who contribute to peer-reviewed journals and textbooks in the fields of forensic odontology. Our scholarly work ensures that our clinical work reflects current research findings and professional best practices.
Grupo internacional de trabalho Identificação Humana por análise dentária:
Metodologias e Investigação
International Working group of Human Identification by dental analysis: Methodologies and Researches
The establishment of a positive identification of unknown human remains or an unidentified living individual by comparative dental analysis requires both the submission of supporting documentation from the dental provider(s) who treated the patient as well as careful documentation of the unidentified remains or an unidentified living individual. Human Identification by dental analysis is the comparison of oral maxillofacial structures as well as dental restorations.
The goal of this working group is to provide the best available current research to forensic odontologists, forensic pathologists, law enforcement personnel, dental faculties, emergency planners and others on the best practices recommended by the forensic odontology community. It includes research on methodologies to reconcile that data in order to establish an identification by comparative dental analysis.
Grupo internacional de trabalho de Antropologia Forense: Metodologias e Investigação
International Working group of Forensic Anthropology: Methodologies and Researches
The research group of Forensic Anthropology aims to offer specialized and multidisciplinary research in different areas of Forensic Anthropology, namely: human osteology, forensic taphonomy, estimation of the biological profile parameters, identification process, trauma analysis, field anthropology, and its interaction with other forensic subjects and Forensic Dental Anthropology.
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