- CEAUL 04/16 – Value-at-Risk Estimation and the PORT Mean-of-order-p Methodology
Fernanda Figueiredo, M. Ivette Gomes e Ligía Henriques-Rodrigues
- CEAUL 03/16 – Weekly Cycles in Daily Global Fire Count Time Series
Pereira, J.M.C., Amaral Turkman, A.A., Turkman, K.F. e Oom, D.
- CEAUL 02/16 – An Efficient Naive Generalisation of the Hill Estimator Discrepancy between Assymptotic and Finite Sample Behaviour
Helena Penalva, Frederico Caeiro, M. Ivette Gomes e M. Manuela Neves
- CEAUL 01/16 – Competitive Estimation of the Extreme Value Index*
M. Ivette Gomes e Lígia Henriques-Rodrigues