- CEAUL 19/06 – Likelihood Approach for Count Data in Longitudinal Experiments
H. Gonçalves, M. Salomé Cabral, Maria Carme Ruiz de Villa, Eduardo Escrich e Montse Solanas
- CEAUL 18/06 – On the Extremal Behavior of a Power Max-Autoregressive Model
Marta Ferreira e Luísa Canto e Castro
- CEAUL 17/06 – Mixed-Effects Models Approach to Estimate Time Series: Modeling the Environmental Effect on the Honeybee Egg Laying Activity
M. Salomé Cabral, M. Helena Gonçalves, P. Duarte-Rodrigues e M. Manuela Branco
- CEAUL 16/06 – Max-Estável ou Max-Semiestável?
Sandra Dias
- CEAUL 15/06 – Maximum of a Stationary Random Field over a Finite Rectangles
K.F. Trukman
- CEAUL 14/06 – Contributions to the Statistical Inference in Max-Semistable Models
Luísa Canto e Castro e Sandra Dias
- CEAUL 13/06 – A Note on the Use of Bayesian Hierarchical Models for Surpervised Classification
Marília Antunes, Valeska Andreozzi e Maria Antónia Amaral Turkman
- CEAUL 12/06 – Análise do Índice de Million dos Estilos de Personalidade – Edição Revista (MIPS-R) por uma Abordagem Multivariada
Ana Sousa Ferreira, Rute Pires, Anabela Marques e Danilo R. Silva
- CEAUL 11/06 – The Effect of Different Geometric Growing Sequences in the Limiting Max-SemiStable Laws
Luisa Canto Castro, Sandra Dias e Maria da Graça Temido
- CEAUL 10/06 – Parameter Estimation of the Generalized Pareto Distribution
Patrícia Zea Bermudez e Samuel Kotz
- CEAUL 09/06 – A Bayesian Hierarchical Model in Physical Mapping of Circular Genomes – Application to the Genome of O. oeni Strain GM
Luzia Gonçalves, M. Antónia Turkman e Líbia Zé-Zé
- CEAUL 08/06 – Mixed Moment Estimator
M. Isabel Fraga Alves, M. Ivette Gomes, Laurens de Haan e Cláudia Neves
- CEAUL 07/06 – Um Novo Modelo de Cura Paramétrico
Ana M. Abreu e Cristina S. Rocha
- CEAUL 06/06 – On the Extremal Behaviour of a Simple and a Power Max-Autoregressive Model
Marta Ferreira e Luísa Canto e Castro
- CEAUL 05/06 – Improved Reduced Bias Tail Index and Quantile Estimators
Jan Beirlant, Fernanda Figueiredo, M. Ivette Gomes e Bjorn Vandewalle
- CEAUL 04/06 – Contributions for the Study of High Levels that Persist Over a Fixed Period of Time
Marta Ferreira e Luísa Canto e Castro
- CEAUL 03/06 – Peaks Over Random Threshold Methodology for Tail Index and High Quantile Estimation
Paulo Araújo, Isabel Fraga Alves e M. Ivette Gomes
- CEAUL 02/06 – The Upcrossings Index and the Extremal Index
H. Ferreira
- CEAUL 01/06 – Redução de Viés na Estimação Semi-Paramétrica de um Parâmetro de Escala
Frederico Caeiro