- CEAUL 20/11 – Revisiting the Role of the Generalized JackKnife Methodology in the Field of Extremes
M. Ivette Gomes, M. João Martins e M. Manuela Neves
- CEAUL 19/11 – Arrow Plot: a New Tool for the Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles
Carina Silva-Fortes, Maria Antónia Amaral Turkman e Lisete Sousa
- CEAUL 18/11 – Nowcasting Influenza Epidemics using non Homogenous Hidden Markov Models
Baltazar Nunes, Isabel Natário e M. Lucília Carvalho
- CEAUL 17/11 – GFC-Robust Risk Management Under the Basel Accord Using Extreme Value Methodologies
Michael McAleer, Paulo Araújo Santos, Juan-Ángel Jiménez-Martín e Teodosio Pérez Amaral
- CEAUL 16/11 – Multivariate Maxima of Moving Multivariate Maxima
Helena Ferreira
- CEAUL 15/11 – General Stuttering Beta(p,q) Cantor-like Random Sets
Sandra M. Aleixo, Maria Fátima Brilhante e Dinis D. Pestana
- CEAUL 14/11 – Lindenmeyer Systems and the Harmony of Fractals
Pedro Pestana
- CEAUL 13/11 – BetaBoop Brings in Chaos
Maria Fátima Brilhante, Maria Ivette Gomes e Dinis Pestana
- CEAUL 12/11 – Sir Pinski Rides Again
Maria Ivette Gomes, Dinis Pestana e Pedro Pestana
- CEAUL 11/11 – On the Extremal Behavior of a Pareto Process: an Alternative for ARMAX Modeling
Marta Ferreira
- CEAUL 10/11 – Extreme Value Theory in Medical Sciences: Modeling Total High Cholesterol Levels
P. de Zea Bermudez e Zilda Mendes
- CEAUL 09/11 – On Tail Dependence: a Characterization for first-order Max-Autoregressive Processes
Marta Ferreira
- CEAUL 08/11 – Forecasting Value-at-Risk with a Duration Based POT Method
P. Araújo Santos e M.I. Fraga Alves
- CEAUL 07/11 – Stochastic Frontier Analysis: Portuguese Black Scabbardfish Fishery
Nuno Veiga, Ivone Figueiredo e M. Lucília Carvalho
- CEAUL 06/11 – Discrete and Continuous Time Extremes of Stationary Processes
K.F. Turkman
- CEAUL 05/11 – Stuttering Cantor-Like Random Sets
Dinis D. Pestana, Sandra M. Aleixo e J. Leonel Rocha
- CEAUL 04/11 – Adaptive Estimation of Heavy Right Tails: the Bootstrap Methodology in Action
M. Ivette Gomes, Fernanda Figueiredo e M. Manuela Neves
- CEAUL 03/11 – Semi-Parametric Probability-Weighted Moments Estimation Revisited
Frederico Caeiro, M. Ivette Gomes e Bjorn Vandewalle
- CEAUL 02/11 – Estatística Forense com Dados Normais – Uma Abordagem (bayesiana e frequencista) ao estudo de Outliers
Fernando Rosado
- CEAUL 01/11 – Adaptive PORT-MVRB Estimation: an Empirical Comparison of Two Heuristic Algorithms
M. Ivette Gomes e Lígia Henriques-Rodrigues