- CEAUL 19/07 – A Note on the Asymptotic Variance at Optimal Levels of a Bias-Corrected Hill Estimator
M. Ivette Gomes, Dinis Pestana e Frederico Caeiro
- CEAUL 18/07 – Modelling Current Status Data using Generalized Additive Models with Flexible Link: the Additive Gamma-Logit Models
Ana Luísa Papoila e Cristina S. Rocha
- CEAUL 17/07 – Estimação do Índice de Cauda em Modelos de Caudas Pesadas: Acomodação do Viés nos Excessos acima de um “threshold” Elevado
Lígia Henriques Rodrigues
- CEAUL 16/07 – Statistics of Extremes for IDD Data: Laurens de Haan Leading Contributions
M. Ivette Gomes, Luísa Canto e Castro, M. Isabel Fraga Alves e Dinis Pestana
- CEAUL 15/07 – PORT Hill and Moment Estimators for Heavy-Tailed Models
M. Ivette Gomes, M. Isabel Fraga Alves e Paulo Araújo Santos
- CEAUL 14/07 – Mixed Moment Estimator and Location Invariant Alternatives
M. Isabel Fraga Alves, M. Ivette Gomes, Laurens de Haan e Cláudia Neves
- CEAUL 13/07 – Optimal Screening for Multiple Regression Models with Interaction
Marília Antunes, Natéricia Durão e Maria Antónia Amaral Turkman
- CEAUL 12/07 – Extremal Functions, Extremal Index and Markov Chains
Ana Ferreira e Helena Ferreira
- CEAUL 11/07 – A Note on Second Order Conditions in Extremes: Linking General and Heavy Tails Conditions
M. Isabel Fraga Alves, M. Ivette Gomes, Laurens de Haan e Cláudia Neves
- CEAUL 10/07 – The Asymptotic Joint Locations of the Largest and Smallest Extremes of a Stationary Sequence
Luísa Pereira
- CEAUL 09/07 – Point Processes of Exceedances by Random Fields
Helena Ferreira e Luísa Pereira
- CEAUL 08/07 – The Asymptotic Location of the Maximum of a Stationary Random Field
Luísa Pereira
- CEAUL 07/07 – Dependent Control Statistics: time of the first passage over a given Threshold
Fernanda Figueiredo e M. Ivette Gomes
- CEAUL 06/07 – Modelo Limite para a Fiabilidade de um Sistema em Série – Paralelo, Regular e Homogéneo
Paula Reis e Luísa Canto e Castro
- CEAUL 05/07 – Spatial Extremes of Wildfire Sizes II; Bayesian Hierarchical Models for Extremes
P. de Zea Bermudez, J. Mendes, J. Pereira e K.F. Turkman
- CEAUL 04/07 – Spatial Extremes of Wildfire Sizes I
P. de Zea Bermudez, J. Mendes, J. Pereira e K.F. Turkman
- CEAUL 03/07 – A Note on the Estimation of High Quantiles and Small Exceedance Probabilities
B. Vandewalle e M. I. Gomes
- CEAUL 02/07 – A Robust Estimator for the Tail Index of Pareto-Type Distributions
B. Vandewalle, J. Beirlant, A. Christmann e M. Hubert
- CEAUL 01/07 – Asymptotic Comparison of the Mixed Moment and Classical Extreme Value Index Estimators
M. Ivette Gomes e Cláudia Neves